CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

Are you writing your dissertation, thesis, a journal article, or other writing project? This event offers a quiet space for writers to work without distractions. Consultants from the Graduate Writing […]

Work and Wellness Discussion Series: The Slow Professor

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

The Work and Wellness Discussion Series is hosted by the Professional Development Initiative (PDI) in partnership with the Association for Faculty Women (AFW) as a means for students, faculty and staff […]

Industry Resumes & Linked In Presence

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

In the first section of this workshop, we will detail how to tailor an industry resume, for industry jobs. We will highlight the main mistakes that are made on a […]

Professional Headshot Photoshoot

CUB 204

Make a great first impression with your profile picture on LinkedIn, ResearchGate, or any other career network platform. The PDI is offering FREE professional headshots. Meet us at CUB 204 […]


Submitting Your Thesis and Dissertation

Terrell 20E

You’ve spent years on your dissertation and it’s time to turn it into the Graduate School. What happens then? Daniel Vickoren and Kelly Caraher from the Graduate School will teach […]

Interviewing and Negotiating for Industry Careers -Spokane Campus

TBA Vancouver, WA

This topic discusses the strategy of interviewing beyond just answering questions. There is an entire process of preparation for an interview, besides learning how to answer interview questions. We will detail the entire interview […]