The Graduate School administers two interdisciplinary degree programs, offering students an opportunity to tailor a unique program based on individual interests. Working with top-ranked research faculty at WSU, graduate students cross traditional boundaries and discover new insights to solve the world’s problems.
Individual Interdisciplinary Doctoral
This doctoral program is individually designed to meet the professional interests and research endeavors of each student. Although the program maintains a high degree of flexibility, it is rigorous and requires the involvement of the Graduate School and several academic units on campus. Students in this program work with an advisor and committee who oversee the development of each unique degree program
For detailed information and whom to contact, visit here.
Molecular Plant Sciences
Considered one of the top programs of its kind in the world, this program incorporates plant physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology. Faculty in this program include three National Academy of Science members and some of the most influential plant science researchers in the world. All students in this program receive some form of financial assistance, such as training grants, individual research grants, predoctoral fellowships, or teaching assistantships. First-year students visit several different labs during their first weeks to help make an informed decision about pursuing the specific science that interests them.
For detailed information and whom to contact, visit here.