Workshop and Panel Discussion: The Academic Job Application

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

With recent government budget cuts throughout the United States and limited funds going to higher education, the availability of faculty positions have been few and far between. When a faculty position does open up, competition is high. Although many applicants are qualified, many applicants do not succeed in their search for a faculty position because […]

Submitting Your Thesis and Dissertation

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

You’ve spent years on your dissertation and it’s time to turn it into the Graduate School. What happens then? Daniel Vickoren and Kelly Caraher from the Graduate School will teach students how to understand and navigate WSU’s thesis and dissertation formatting requirements. Daniel will also give additional tips on the title page, abstract, chapter headings, […]

Building A Publishing Pipeline

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

As academics, we have been told to write often and as much as we can, but no one teaches us how to keep track of the many different projects that we may be working on at any given time. As a result, we are pulled in multiple directions, and incremental progress made on multiple manuscripts […]

Writing Workshop Series: Writing Strategies & Writer’s Block

Terrell 20E

For this highly hands-on workshop, expect to learn strategies to employ while pre-writing, writing, and revising documents, such as journal articles, your thesis, or even a short email. This workshop is intended for students who know what they need to write and have done the necessary research but may be struggling with getting words on […]

Event and Online Networking

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

This section is created based on the networking strategies of some of the most strategic networkers in the world and also goes into the science of building rapport and why this is important for the job seeking professional. While this topic tends to be popular, it seems people are still not using it effectively and thus we have detailed specific action […]

Imposter Syndrome

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

Event description coming up soon…… More information? Visit the event website

Data Privacy and Security

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

Event description coming up soon…… More information? Visit the event website

Teaching Philosophy

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

Event description coming up soon…… More information? Visit the event website

Writing Workshop Series: Reference Management Software

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

Reference management software enables users to collect, organize, manage, and cite sources in a methodical and sustainable process. This workshop will focus on the free, open source Zotero reference management tool, but will briefly discuss alternatives such as EndNote and Mendeley. More information? Visit the event website

Writing Lock-In II

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

Are you writing your dissertation, thesis, a journal article, or other writing project? This event offers a quiet space for writers to work without distractions. Consultants from the Graduate Writing Center will be on hand to help with goal setting, accountability, writing habits, grammar, and structure in writing. Bring your laptop! More information? Visit the […]