Prestigious Fellowship Workshop I

CUB Jr. Ballroom

Need funding? Presented by Dr. Michael Kahn, Institute of Biological Chemistry, these workshops will walk graduate students through the process of applying to the major prestigious fellowships. Workshop I provides students with valuable writing and editing experience and includes information about funding opportunities. Find out more and REGISTER. All workshops are also live-streamed from the […]


Writing Workshop Series: Goal Setting and Project Management

Terrell 20E

Workshop I of a yearlong writing workshop series, the Goal Setting/Project Management seminar, led in conjunction between the WSU Libraries and the Graduate and Professional Writing Center, will cover strategies for setting and meeting research, writing, and revision goals and will provide tips and suggestions for maintaining control of a project throughout the entire process. […]


Prestigious Fellowship Workshop II

Chinoook 150

Facilitated by Dr. Michael Kahn, this second Prestigious Fellowship Workshop will focus on the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship proposals. Students should bring 10 copies of a draft of each essay. For more information and to register, visit HERE, where you can a;sp find out about your eligibility and the application deadlines. Students may […]


Graduate Student Roundtable for Industry Careers

CUB 208

Dr. Paula Chambers, the founder of Versatile PhD,  will meet with a handful of graduate students for an industry careers roundtable discussion. There is limited room for this event. After registering, you will be notified if you have been selected. This event will NOT be live streamed.


Mentoring Doctoral Students for Non-Academic Careers: Faculty and Staff Luncheon

CUB 210

Sponsored by the Professional Development Initiative, this presentation offers faculty and staff a three-point plan for how to improve mentoring in the area of non-academic careers. Based on her book "Subject Matter Plus: Mentoring for Non-Academic Careers," Dr. Paul Chambers will provide concrete, doable steps that do not require a major time investment. This event […]


From Skills to Results: Re-Seeing Your Skills Through Non-Academic Eyes

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

After briefly telling her own post-PhD story, Dr. Chambers reveals what the PhD career pipeline really looks like (it is a branchingpipeline) and contrasts academic and non-academic understandings “results.” Then she leads attendees through a well-organized sequence of hands-on activities in which they will identify their own most results-rich accomplishments from this new non-academic perspective […]


Making the Leap: Key Factors that Get PhDs Hired into Non-Faculty Jobs

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

It’s become commonplace to say that PhDs have many skills that are valued outside the academy. But what gets new PhDs hired into non -academic jobs, really? Drawing from a significant corpus of qualitative data, Dr. Chambers answers that question in this presentation of primary research, revealing key activities that help PhDs develop the skills […]


Data Literacy: Busting Myths of Big Data, Part I

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

Facilitated by Dr. Nairanjana Dasgupta, Boeing Science/Math Education Distinguished Professor in Mathematics and Statistics, this workshop will focus on learning about the what, when, how and why of data. Find out more and REGISTER.


Resume and Transferable Skills

CUB L60 (Butch's Den)

Dr. Isaiah Hankel (The Cheeky Scientist) will detail how to tailor an industry resume for industry jobs. Find out more and REGISTER.
