The Graduate School and GPSA’s Evening of Excellence

Evening of Excellence award recipients and their mentors.


The Washington State University Graduate School and Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) ceremony celebrates outstanding scholars at their annual Evening of Excellence.

Last year the event welcomed over 150 attendees and was held at the Marriott Inn Courtyard, on the Pullman campus. Through continued collaboration both organizations expect this event to grow in size and prestige.

In 2023, thanks to the contributions of benefactors, the two organizations awarded a total sum of $71,400 to outstanding graduate students who attended the ceremony alongside faculty mentors and organizational leaders.

The staff of the Graduate School recognizes the accomplishments and contributions of the Research Assistantship for Diverse Scholars (RADS),  NIH Protein Biotechnology Training Program, and Advancing Science in America (ARCS) Foundation Scholars programs.


GPSA Awards

GPSA Excellence Awards

The Graduate and Professional Student Association conducts the GPSA Excellence Awards each year. The GPSA Excellence awards are broken up into 10 different categories: Graduate Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, Graduate Student Instructor, Academic Advisor, Registered Student Organization, Community Engagement, The Worthy, DePauw & Wang Service Leadership Award, Senators of the Year, and College Representative of the Year.  

Awarded to:

  • Nazua Idris
    • Community Engagement 
  • Martin Churuvija
    • Teaching Assistant 
  • Sidi Mohammed Khalil Cherif Louazani
    • Teaching Assistant
  • Ali Mahmoodigahrouei
    • Graduate Assistant 
  • Colby Schimelfenig
    • Graduate Assistant 
  • Phousawanh Peaungvongpakdy
    • Graduate Instructor
  • Joshua Mollel
    • Graduate Instructor
  • Golrokh Rose Maleki
    • Staff Assistant
  • Sandi Thu
    • Staff Assistant
  • Angela Henriks
    • Academic Advisor
  • James Peters
    • Academic Advisor 
  • Angela Henriks
    • Academic Advisor
  • James Peters
    • Academic Advisor
  • Molecular Plant Science
    • Registered Student Organization
  • Ksenia Pereverzeva
  • Arpita Sinha
    • Senators of the Year
  • Jeremy Boutin
    • College Representative of the Year

Research Exposition

A poster session and scholarship competition that allows students to present their original research, scholarship, and/or creative work to the University community while vying for scholarships.

Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences

  • First Position: Marwa Mahmoud
  • Second Position: Tana Arlynn
  • Third Position: Sean Mcguire
  • Third Position: Katherine Burgstahler

Physical and Social Sciences

  • First Position: Skylar Nicholson
  • Second Position: Miranda Zuniga Kennedy
  • Third Position: Tiara Freeman
  • Third Position: Xinyue Wu

Arts and Education Sciences

  • First Position: Sierra Rothlisberger
  • Second Position: Redempter Nzuma
  • Third Position: Christian Maynard

Business, Communication, and Political Science

  • First Position: Alexandra Fil
  • Second Position: Sultana Ismet Jerin
  • Third Position: Daniel Ferguson
  • Third Position: Sahil Patil

Engineering and Environmental Science

  • First Position: Kaylie McCracken
  • Second Position: Abiola Adeniran
  • Third Position: Erin Kimbro

Medical and Life Sciences

  • First Position: Md Nazmul  Hossain
  • Second Position: Michael Mortensen
  • Third Position: Grace Curtis  
  • Third Position: Aditya Char

Graduate School Awards

The Wang, Worthy, DePauw Award

The Worthy, DePauw & Wang Leadership Award recognizes exceptional graduate student leaders whose work seeks to improve the lives of fellow graduate students meaningfully. The Graduate School awards $500 to each winner. 

Awarded to:

  • Arpita Sinha​
    • Anthropology
  • Janice Parks
    • Molecular Plant Science 
  • Vishnupriya Jonnalagadda
    • Civil Engineering
  • Sabrina Haney
    • Animal Sciences 

Arnold and Julia Greenwell Memorial Scholarship for Social Sciences and Humanities  

The Arnold and Julia Greenwell Memorial Scholarship for Social Sciences and Humanities is open to all doctoral graduate students in good standing. The winners of this award show outstanding leadership in their field and outreach in their projects that improve the human condition. Each award recipient is given $1500.  

Awarded to:

  • Christie Pham
    • Psychology
  • Melissa Pearcy
    • Teaching and Learning

Richard R. and Constance M. Albrecht Scholarship  

The Richard R. and Constance M. Albrecht Scholarship is for all active doctoral graduate students in good standing who have successfully passed their preliminary examination. The winners had peer-reviewed publications/shows/recitals. They also have successful grant proposals/awards while showing service to the institution, profession, and community. Each awardee is given $1500.

Awarded to:

  • Rachel Arnold
    • Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience
  • Samodya Jayasinghe
    • Plant Pathology 
  • Colleen Monahan
    • Global Animal Health
  • Miguel Rosas
    • Molecular Plant Science
  • Milton Valencia Ortiz
    • Biological Systems Engineering
  • Supriya Savalkar
    • Biological Systems Engineering
  • James Schroeder
    • History
  • Johana Thomas Zapata
    • Teaching and Learning

Karen P. DePauw Leadership Award

The Karen P. DePauw Leadership Award was created in honor of DePauw’s service to WSU. The award started in 2003 to give recognition to doctoral candidates that demonstrate evidence of leadership skills and/or university involvement. Recipients are nominated by the Association for Faculty Women and awarded $1000. 

Awarded to:

  • Nazia Idris
    • English 
  • Meenakshi Richardson
    • Human Development

Anne and Russ Fuller Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research/Scholarship

The Anne and Russ Fuller Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research/Scholarship is open to all doctoral graduate students in good standing. These students are conducting interdisciplinary research/scholarship with demonstrated scholarly productivity. Each winner is awarded $4000.

Awarded to:

  • Beatrice Caffe
    • Anthropology
  • Catherine Luna
    • Psychology
  • Bhupinderjeet Singh
    • Biological Systems Engineering  
  • Caroline Terry
    • Biological Sciences

Graduate School Dissertation Year Fellowship

This nine-month fellowship for doctoral candidates includes a stipend of up to $20,000 for the academic year. Also included is a two-credit tuition waiver and up to $1,000 for travel and/or research. The recipient has conducted a significant research project and meets one or more of a diverse array of criteria, such as exhibiting a record of service that promotes equitable access to underrepresented groups, women, or racial minorities.

Awarded to:

  • Grace Curtis
    • Biological Sciences 
  • Nazua Idris
    • English

Event News Articles

Event of 2022-2023

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