Master of Arts in Music

Total Graduate Faculty in Program:
Graduate Students in Program:
Students Receiving Assistantships:
Priority Deadlines:

  • Fall January 10
  • Spring November 15


  • Pullman

International Student English Proficiency Exams

International students may need to surpass the Graduate School’s minimum English language proficiency exam scores for this program. If the graduate program has unique score requirements, they will be detailed below. Otherwise, please refer to the Graduate School’s minimum score guidelines.

Degree Description:

The School of Music offers the Master of Arts in Music degree, which may be earned on the Pullman or Global Campus through study in areas of music education, composition, music history and literature, conducting, and performance studies.

Four emphases are available:

  1. Music education: Provides advanced studies for experienced or prospective teachers.
  2. Performance: Selected by students wishing to teach at the college level or enter professions such as music performance and conducting.
    Note: This emphasis is not available for Global Campus students.
  3. Composition: Prepares students to enter professions in music such as composition and arranging.
  4. Jazz emphasis: Focuses on one or more aspects of jazz, including performance, composition, arranging, pedagogy, or history, in preparation for careers in jazz.

The degree may also be completed without an emphasis.

The program offers both thesis and non-thesis options, designed according to the goals of the student.

Admission Requirements:

International Students for whom English is not their primary language must meet the minimum language proficiency exam score guidelines established by the Graduate School.

The School of Music requires the WSU Graduate School application, a statement of purpose, CV/resume, an audition, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. In addition, please submit: for the composition emphasis, a composition portfolio with scores and recordings; for the music education emphasis, your written philosophy of teaching; performance (including conducting) requires a more in-depth audition. See the School of Music Graduate Studies page for more details. After submitting the online application, each student takes diagnostic exams in music theory, aural skills, and music history.

Student Opportunities:

The flexibility of the degree program provides graduate students with numerous valuable opportunities. They conduct and rehearse ensembles and teach undergraduate courses. Students prepare for major competitions in performance and composition. Additionally, students tour regionally, nationally, and internationally with School of Music ensembles. Graduates of the program have been featured in major publications and have published their compositions.

Career Opportunities:

Graduates are prepared to embark on professional careers in music including work as performers, educators, composers, arrangers, and recording artists.

Career Placements:

Our graduates have obtained teaching positions at major universities, community colleges, and public schools throughout the Northwest, the United States, and abroad. Others perform in professional ensembles around the country and participate in major music festivals. Graduates have also continued their education for doctoral studies at prestigious music programs.

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