Certificate of Finances 2024-25

International Graduate Students Guidelines: F-1 and J-1 Visas

Washington State University (WSU) Financial Proof Requirements

  • Choose Your Campus: Costs vary by campus. Check the Estimate Cost Table below for the campus you plan to attend.
  • Study Duration: Decide if you are studying for 9 months or a full year.
  • Dependents: Bringing family? You will need more funds, as shown in the table below.

Proof You Have Funding

  • Yours or Family Funds: Provide a bank statement with an official signature and seal that proves you have the available funds based on the Estimate Cost Table below.
  • Scholarship: If funded by a scholarship, send a letter verifying the amount to WSU Graduate School.

If Someone in the U.S. is Helping You Pay

  • Signature Required: The individual assisting with your payments must sign the form below to confirm their support.

Understanding Employment and Costs

  • WSU Employment: You may be awarded a teaching or research assistantship stipend. If you are not awarded a stipend, obtaining an on-campus job may be difficult.
  • Off-Campus Work: As an F-1 student, you can request off-campus work only after living in the U.S. for 12 months, which is rarely allowed.

For Married Students

  • Consider coming alone first to find housing. Your family can follow later.

Spouse Work Rules

  • J-2 Status: Can work, but only for family living costs.
  • F-2 Status: Cannot work in the U.S.

Paying for School

  • Tuition Deadline: Pay all tuition and fees by the third week of classes.
  • Amount Needed: Refer to the Estimate of Cost Table below.
  • Payment Methods: Use international money orders, traveler’s checks, or U.S. bank orders. Other methods may have extra fees.
  • Your Responsibility: Ensure funds are available. Late payments mean WSU will not issue housing contracts, transcripts, diplomas, I-20s, or DS-2019s for individuals under financial obligation to the university.

Estimate of Cost Table

Pullman Spokane Tri-Cities Vancouver Everett
Tuition and Fees $27,842 $27,842 $27,842 $27,842 $27,842
Student and Activity Fees $579 $582 $526 $581 $527
Medical Insurance $2,850 $2,850 $2,850 $2,850 $2,850
Health Services Fee $488 $200
Recreation Center Fee $336
Transit Fee $72
Student Union $240 $300
Media Fee $10
Safety and Transportation Fee $130
Technology Fee $40
Subtotal Direct Expense $32,417 $31,474 $31,648 $31,313 $31,219
Living Expenses $21,458 $21,887 $21,887 $28,754 $31,329
Total 9 months $53,875 $53,361 $53,535 $60,067 $62,548
Additional Summer Cost $7,153 $7,296 $7,296 $9,585 $10,443
Total 12 months $61,028 $60,657 $60,831 $69,652 $72,991
Pullman Spokane Tri-Cities Vancouver Everett
Additional Costs per Dependent
For 9 months
Spouse $15,450 $15,450 $15,450 $15,450 $15,450
Additional Cost Per Child $7,700 $7,700 $7,700 $7,700 $7,700
For 12 months
Spouse $20,600 $20,600 $20,600 $20,600 $20,600
Additional Cost per Child $10,267 $10,267 $10,267 $10,267 $10,267

Form Completion and Signatures:

  • After reviewing the above information and the cost table, complete the following form.
  • Both the student and any sponsor must sign the form, attesting to the understanding and ability to meet the financial obligations.
  • Remember, these signatures are a mandatory part of your application process and must be completed accurately.

By understanding these guidelines and completing the attached form, you ensure a well-prepared start to your studies in the U.S. Compliance with these rules is essential for a successful academic journey.