Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Science

Graduate Students in Program:
Students Receiving Assistantships:
Priority Deadlines:

  • Fall January 10
  • Spring July 1


  • Pullman

International Student English Proficiency Exams

International students may need to surpass the Graduate School’s minimum English language proficiency exam scores for this program. If the graduate program has unique score requirements, they will be detailed below. Otherwise, please refer to the Graduate School’s minimum score guidelines.

  • 550 TOEFL Minimum score
  • 80 TOEFLI Minimum score

Degree Description:

This is an interdisciplinary program administered through the College of Engineering and Architecture’s Office of the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Programs, with students typically advised and funded through one of several departments in the College. The interdisciplinary nature of this degree provides considerable flexibility in designing programs of study tailored to the specialized needs of each student. Areas of specialization include (but are not limited to): biological systems engineering, atmospheric research, materials science and engineering, and bioengineering. These students often work in one of our interdisciplinary centers such as: Bioengineering Research Center (BRC), Center for Environmental Education and Outreach (CEREO), Center for Materials Research (CMR), Laboratory for Atmospheric Research (LAR), Composite Materials and Engineering Center (CMEC).

Admission Requirements:

Normally, students entering the program will have an undergraduate degree from a recognized program in engineering. Students with a non-engineering undergraduate degree, such as mathematics or the physical and life sciences, may need to complete a central core of undergraduate engineering study focused on their area of interest. The interdisciplinary nature of these degrees provides considerable flexibility in designing programs of study tailored to the specialized needs of each student. Examples of areas of specialization include, but are not limited to, atmospheric research, bioengineering, materials science and engineering.

The Graduate School minimum admission requirements are listed on their website. Specific departments may have requirements beyond these. In order to determine what the department requirements are, it is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the department that the potential advisor is housed in. Students must satisfy the minimum requirements of the Graduate School and the department that the potential advisor is housed in.

Student Opportunities:

National lab and private industry internships.

Career Opportunities:

Oppurtunities include careers in the sciences, engineering, and technology, both in governments labs, academia, and industry.

Career Placements:

Not available at this time.

Contact Information: