Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology

Total Graduate Faculty in Program:
Total Core Graduate Faculty in Program:
Graduate Students in Program:
Students Receiving Assistantships:
Priority Deadlines:

  • Fall
  • Spring


  • Pullman

International Student English Proficiency Exams

International students may need to surpass the Graduate School’s minimum English language proficiency exam scores for this program. If the graduate program has unique score requirements, they will be detailed below. Otherwise, please refer to the Graduate School’s minimum score guidelines.

Degree Description:

The Department of Entomology offers graduate programs leading to Doctoral and Master of Science degrees. The curriculum provides the opportunity to study the basic and applied aspects of the science. Facilities and training are available for graduate study in major areas of entomology, including (but not limited to) apiculture; behavior; integrated biological control and sustainable pest management; ecology; forest entomology; insect/plant interactions; medical/veterinary entomology; population genetics; physiology; systematic; biological diversity and environmental toxicology. Departmental faculty, adjunct faculty, and affiliate faculty may all serve as student advisors. Faculty are housed both on campus and at Research and Extension Centers throughout the state; the ability to significantly interact with both on- and off-campus advisors and mentors offers students opportunities and perspectives not available in most programs. We maintain strong cooperative interactions with the USDA ARS lab in Yakima, Washington. Students whose major advisor resides at a Research and Extension Center (Wenatchee, Prosser, Puyallup, Mt. Vernon or USDA Wapato) typically come to Pullman for at least two semesters then relocate to the center where they will conduct their research and take the remainder of their coursework via live videoconference. Each student’s program of study is individualized based on their research interests, prior academic experience, and collaboration with their major advisor.

Admission Requirements:

Students should have completed an undergraduate major in one of the biological or physical sciences, forestry, agriculture, or a closely related field.  Submit the following to the Graduate School: Letter of application stating qualifications, personal goals, and objectives of graduate study; official copies of all college transcripts; resume, and three letters of recommendation.

Student Opportunities:

Students have access to excellent labs and greenhouse facilities on the Pullman campus and at Research and Extension centers located throughout Washington State. Students are encouraged to attend Entomological Society of America meetings, as well as other professional meetings, where they present their research, and learn from other scientists in their chosen field.

Career Opportunities:

New opportunities open daily for entomology graduates that include: federal government agencies (EPA, USDA, APHIS); state departments of agriculture and ecology; state agricultural research stations; university extension service; agrichemical company field representatives in research and sales; agricultural consulting firms; private agribusiness firms; timber and seed production companies; international development agencies; pest control operators; parkland and golf course pest management specialists; mosquito abatement districts; weed control districts; food processing industry; ornamental plant protection; public health service; industrial pest control consultant; the armed forces and homeland security.

Career Placements:

The Entomology Department has excellent record of career placement for its graduates nationally and internationally. Our graduates have found careers in teaching, research and extension at colleges and universities; with federal and state agencies (e.g. USDA, FDA, and Washington State Department of Agriculture); in private industry; entrepreneurial endeavors; pesticide education programs; and forensics laboratories.

Contact Information: