2016-2017 PDI Events
Presentation Topic | Presenter | Event Organizer | Date(s) |
Campus Resources with Michell Jaworski | Assistant Dean Michell Jaworski | PDI | 8/30/16 |
New Graduate Student Prestigious Fellowship Workshop | Office of Research Support and Operations | Office of Research Support and Operations | 9/9/16 |
Industry Job Series: Resume/CV and Transferable Skills | Dr. Isaiah Hankel | PDI | 9/16/16 |
Graduate Time Management Workshop | Victoria Braun | PDI | 9/20/16 |
Tidal Leadership Mindfulness Symposium | Tidal Leadership | Tidal Leadership | 9/24/16 |
The Graduate Student’s Guide to Personal Finance | Dr. Emily Roberts | PDI | 9/27/16 |
Academic Integrity Workshop | GPWC and Office of Student Conduct | PDI | 9/30/16 |
How to Manage Effective Groups with Dr. Laura Lavine | Dr. Laura Lavine | PDI | 10/4/16 |
Writing Workshop Series: Goal Setting | GPWC and WSU Libraries | PDI | 10/14/16 |
Industry Job Series: Creating a Career Strategy | Dr. Isaiah Hankel | PDI | 10/22/16 |
Versatile PhD Graduate Student Roundtable | Dr. Paula Chambers | PDI | 10/24/16 |
Versatile PhD: Industry Careers with Dr. Paula Chambers | Dr. Paula Chambers | PDI | 10/24/16 |
Writing Workshop Series: Project Management | WSU Libraries/ Lorena O'English | PDI | 10/28/16 |
Understanding Diversity in the Workplace and in Academia: Title IX and ADA | Office of Equal Opportunity and the Access Center | PDI | 11/8/16 |
Fall Faculty Academic Technology Forum | Academic Outreach & Innovation | Academic Outreach & Innovation | 11/9/16 |
SciTech Northwest 2016 | SciTech Northwest | PNNL, University of Washington, and WSU | 11/9/16 |
Writing Workshop Series: Literature Reviews | Graduate and Professional Writing Center and Libraries | PDI | 11/10/16 |
WSU I-Corps Info Session | WSU I-Corps | WSU I-Corps | 11/17/16 and 11/18/16 |
Career Paths in Teaching | Dr. Tim Cullinan | School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering | 11/18/16 |
Industry Job Series: The Modern Job Search & Networking | Dr. Isaiah Hankel (The Cheeky Scientist) | PDI | 11/29/16 |
Writing Workshop Series: Reference Management Software | Graduate and Professional Writing Center and Libraries | PDI | 12/8/16 |
Industry Job Series: Networking | Dr. Isaiah Hankel (The Cheeky Scientist) | PDI | 1/14/17 |
Industry Job Series: Interviewing | Dr. Isaiah Hankel (The Cheeky Scientist) | PDI | 1/21/17 |
Partnering & Pizza | The Center for Entreprenurial Studies and WSU I-Corps | WSU I-Corps | 1/25/17 |
Writing Workshop Series: Writing Strategies | Graduate and Professional Writing Center | PDI | 1/27/17 |
Industry Job Series: Negotiating | Dr. Isaiah Hankel (The Cheeky Scientist) | PDI | 2/4/17 |
Writing Workshop Series: Writer’s Block | Graduate and Professional Writing Center | PDI | 2/17/17 |
Applying for Academics: Lessons, Hints, and Insights into the Academic Application Process | Dr. Zach Heiden | PDI | 2/23/17 |
Preparing for the Academic Job Market in Humanities, Social Sciences and Business: Best Practices | Dean Bill Andrefsky and WSU Faculty | PDI | 2/28/17 |
VIP Forum with Japan Tobacco Pharmaceutical Division | Japan Tobacco Pharmaceutical VIP Forum | Life Science Washington | 2/28/17 |
Writing Lock In | Graduate and Professional Writing Center | PDI | 3/3/17 |
Practicing Allyship in Academia: Research, Service, and Teaching | Davi Kallman, Whitney Stefani, Kakali Chakrabarti, Rochelle Dach, Leigh Gaskin, Susan Dunn, and Cassondra Yarlott | Center for Civic Engagement, PDI, Murrow College, and Access Center | 3/6/17 |
Grad Student Tax Webinar | Dr. Emily Roberts | Dr. Emily Roberts | 3/7/17 |
Writing Workshop Series: Submitting Your Thesis and Dissertation | Daniel Vickoren, Debra Spidal, and Talea Anderson | PDI | 3/9/17 |
WSU Symposium: “Pioneering Ideas in Agriculture” | Amit Ghingra (WSU), Patrick Schnable (ISU), Nicholas Staroplo (Genetic Literacy Project, and many more | WSU Crop & Spoil Sciences, Horticulture, Plant Pathology, and Entomology Graduate Students | 3/17/17 |
Data Carpentry Workshop | Stephanie Labou and Kathe Todd-Brown | CEREO | 3/20/17-3/21/17 |
Hacking the Academic Job Market | Dr. Karen Kelsky (The Professor Is In) | PDI | 3/24/17 |
Family, Career and Fun – Lessons Learned as a Dual Career Couple | President Kirk Schulz and Professor Noel Schulz | PDI | 3/28/17 |
JCATI 2017 Symposium | Annamarie Askren (Blue Origin), John Hamilton (VP Engineering, Boeing), and GE Advanced Manufacturing | The Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation | 4/4/17 |
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories: Engineering and more! | Dave Dolezilek and SEL Employee Panel | Schweitzer Engineering and PDI | 4/6/17 |
The Software Carpentry Workshop | TBA | CEREO | 4/6/17-4/7/17 |
Prestigious Fellowships Workshop | TBA | Graduate School | 4/10/17 |
Environmental Science Writing for Public Impact Workshop | Peter Chilson, Linda Russo, Debbie Lee, and Scott Slovic | CEREO | 4/12/17 |
Learning to Liberate, Liberated Learning | Fisher Qua | PDI | 4/14/17-4/16/17 |
Graduate Writing Workshop: Academic Abstracts | Elitza Kotzeva | PDI and The Graduate and Professional Writing Center | 4/21/17 |
Graduate Writing Workshop: How to Write an Introduction | Elitza Kotzeva | PDI and The Graduate and Professional Writing Center | 4/25/17 |
FullCon Tech Conference | TBA | Washington Technology | 5/22/17 |
Life Science Innovation Northwest | TBA | Life Science Washington | 5/23/17-5/24/17 |
CleanTech Innovation Showcase | Network with 500+ cleantech industry leaders, investors, policymakers and media from across the U.S., Canada and beyond | CleanTech Alliance | 6/26/17 |