Dr. Emily Roberts received a PhD in biomedical engineering from Duke University in 2014 and has been writing and teaching about personal finance since 2011. She is the founder of the websites Grad Student Finances and PhD Stipends and blogs about money at Evolving Personal Finance.
Are you ready to take the next step with your finances as a stipend-receiving graduate student? Do you want to learn how to allocate your money more optimally, break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, build up savings, and/or begin investing? This seminar teaches graduate students who receive stipends how they can develop positive lifelong financial habits and increase their net worth while still in school. The topics covered in this seminar are: financial values and goals, budgeting, taxes, saving, investing, and debt repayment.
This comprehensive presentation or workshop teaches stipend-receiving graduate students the basics of personal finance and how they can set and reach financial goals during grad school. This talk is appropriate for grad students of all years. It is well-suited as a stand-alone event or part of an orientation or personal/professional development series.
Please register for this event by clicking on the link below: