WSU Partners

Access Center

The Access Center provides accommodations and services to incoming and current WSU students with disabilities, psychological or medical conditions, or temporary injuries that limit their access to the WSU environment. Some examples of the academic accommodations and services they provide include testing accommodations (e.g., a reduced distraction testing environment, extended time, and more) as well as access to lecture material, alternative print media, and assistive technology. The Access Center also assists interested students with time management and organizational skill development.


At ADVANCE, our vision includes fostering an inclusive research institution whose faculty are supported by a system that promotes career-long excellence for all. We focus on obstacles to recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing an exceptional and diverse faculty.

Association for Faculty Women (AFW)

The purpose of AFW is the following:

  • To provide a means for faculty women to share mutual interests, activities, and concerns, particularly as the interests relate to the academic responsibilities of teaching, research, and service to WSU.
  • To provide a structure through which we can consider and address issues that have an impact on faculty women as an academic group. This includes providing input and recommendations to individuals who are part of University Administration, the Commission on the Status of Women, WSU Faculty Senate, and university committees.
  • To advance the professional growth of faculty women through professional programs, state and national speakers, and consultants.

Center for Civic Engagement

The WSU Center for Civic Engagement exists to forge community-campus partnerships that build community capacity, generate knowledge, and solve problems through service, leadership, and scholarship. We believe civic engagement is central to the purpose of higher education at a public university and essential to the student experience, empowering students to become active citizens in a democratic society.

Center for Interdisciplinary Statistical Education and Research (CISER)

CISER works to enhance the use of statistics in research projects across all disciplines, from the initial design phase to the final report. CISER offers three distinct methods of assistance for researchers in any field:

  • Engaged learning – CISER statisticians offer personalized, guided learning focused on the mechanics of statistical analysis.
  • Research collaboration – CISER statisticians work closely with researchers interested in producing collaborative research.
  • Traditional consulting – CISER statisticians perform analysis of your data at an hourly rate and return reports or other deliverables.

Graduate Writing Center (GWC)

GWC offers a number of different services to anyone who wants help with their writing. Whether you bring in a polished draft of a dissertation or brand new cover letter for a job application, the GWC can help. The mission of GWC is to assist graduate and professional students from all disciplines with all types of written communication–from research papers and research publications to syllabi and course assignments for your students if you have a teaching assistantship.

Health and Wellness

Cougar Health Services provides student-centered integrated health services. Students gain access to a variety of services and can visit the health promotion website to bring a customized workshop to your small group or research team. Their programs are guided by the Project Healthy Campus framework and serve the entire WSU community. Contact or 509-335-3575.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Institutional Review Board for WSU is responsible for the review and approval of all research activities involving human subjects. The IRB is charged with protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects to ensure all are treated physically, psychologically and socially in such a way as to minimize embarrassment and stress, and to avoid harm or other negative effects in compliance with the federal, state and university regulations.


Washington State University Libraries have more than two million books and over 30,000 journal and magazine subscriptions. Media, maps, microforms, government publications, ebooks, ejournals, manuscripts, archives, and special collections additionally support WSU’s teaching and research programs. The Libraries also offer access to the full text of over 25,800 digital resources, including current journals, books, documents, and more.

Office of Commercialization

In partnership with the Office of Research, the Office of Commercialization (OC) supports, nurtures, guides, and sustains commercialization efforts for the university. Our mission is to ensure that innovations and discoveries by WSU researchers are evaluated, protected where possible, and prepared for potential licensing by third parties. Our staff supports this goal of translating research discoveries into innovations for the marketplace.

On a daily basis, the OC staff of professionals provides knowledge and guidance to the researchers at WSU and supports them in the often-long process of reaching their commercialization goals. This includes:

  • Partnerships with the private sector to facilitate transfers of technologies from the lab to the marketplace
  • A gateway for industry to access WSU innovations and cutting edge research
  • Guidance on licensing advanced technologies
  • Mentoring on research funding
  • Creation of vibrant entrepreneurship and business opportunities

Office of the Dean of Students

The WSU Office of the Dean of Students connects students with the services, opportunities, and resources to foster their success at WSU and after graduation. By working with university and community partners, we advise students about services, resources, and options that support their success and provide guidance and assistance during times of challenge, crisis, complexity or emergency. Within the Office of the Dean of Students is SALT, a new membership program that helps WSU students and alumni navigate financing a higher education, successfully manage any resulting debt, and build money skills for life. SALT keeps you financially savvy and helps you manage the student loans you have.

Compliance and Civil Rights

Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR) carries out monitoring activities to ensure WSU is in compliance with state and federal equal employment opportunity and affirmative action laws. CCR provides in-person training sessions for departments, academic units, and student living groups. They are WSU’s central intake office for complaints of Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct. They ensure that WSU is compliant with EEO and AA Laws.

Center for Community Standards

The Center for Community Standards is committed to providing experiences for Cougs that help them succeed. All students are expected to contribute to a safe, healthy and inclusive campus.

Student Financial Services

Student Financial Services at WSU is committed to increasing student access and reducing financial barriers for students to improve their quality of life and enhance a global economy. The Office is also committed to providing high quality financial assistance and scholarship information and counseling services to a diverse student population.

Tidal Leadership

Tidal Leadership™ is offered by Washington State University through its award-winning Global Campus. The program consists of a 16-week, 12-module, online, both non-credit and for-credit course offerings culminating in a customized leadership portfolio and leadership certification. Through videos, online group discussions and engaging activities, skilled facilitators deliver the principles of Tidal Leadership™ in an interactive format. For moer information, contact