Personal Growth

Financial planning; Mindfulness and mental health; Relationship management; Physical wellbeing

Financial Planning


Washington State University has teamed with American Student Assistance to provide a FREE online program to help you manage your money and student loans.

SALT gives you in-depth information on a range of financial topics, including:

  • Simple online tools to track and plan your student loans
  • Tips and guidance to help you make smart decisions about tricky loan stuff
  • Help finding scholarships, internships, and jobs
  • Deals and discounts that put more money in your pocket
  • Know-how that empowers you to be money smart

Mindfulness and Mental Health

Free Downloads of Breathing Exercises and Meditation – UCLA Mindful Awareness Resource Center

Mindfulness Self-Compassion – Free downloads of mindfulness exercises, workshops, etc.  Christopher Germer, PhD

Guided Mindfulness Meditations (audio)

Start Where You Are: a Guide to Compassionate Living.  – Chodron, P. (2001). Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc.  Request via interlibrary loan.

The Miracle of Mindfulness.  – Hanh, T.N. (1999). Boston: Beacon Press. Request via interlibrary loan.

Free online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course – Dave Potter, LMHC .


Relationship Management

The Washington State University Health and Wellness Promotion Team provide a range of workshops to students and staff. They offer workshops on relationships that help students recognize differences between healthy and unhealthy behaviors within intimate relationships. Students will also learn about campus resources and tips for supporting a friend involved in an abusive relationship.To find more about HWS workshops and events please click here.



Physical Health

Insurance for Graduate Students on Assistantship

The Graduate Student Insurance plan is provided to eligible graduate student assistants as a benefit. Upon request, you can purchase coverage for your spouse/partner and dependents. For more information about Graduate Student Health Insurance, please click here.

Chinook Fitness Classes 
The Chinook works closely with University Recreation to provide a variety of options to meet your fitness needs.
Fitness classes are held in the Chinook, the Student Recreation Center and other shared facilities.
Fall Fitness Classes Available
Classes are held in the Chinook, Student Recreation Center and other locations, and run Aug. 28 through Oct. 10.

Learn more about:
Fitness classes
Personal training