Two graduate students chatting in the CUB Ballroom.

Graduate Enrollment Management (GEM) Workshop Series


The GEM Workshop Series is a new initiative that aims to provide valuable insights and strategies to graduate programs for effectively managing their enrollment. These workshops will occur once per month during the academic year and cover various topics related to enrollment management, including recruitment, retention, marketing, data analysis, and financial aid.

The GEM Workshop Series is designed to help graduate programs develop and implement effective enrollment management practices that can help attract and retain high-quality students. The workshops will be led by experienced higher education enrollment management professionals who will share their expertise and best practices. Participants can also network with their peers from other graduate programs and learn from their experiences.

Additionally, the workshops will provide a forum for discussing common challenges and sharing solutions. The GEM Workshop Series is an excellent opportunity for graduate programs to enhance enrollment management practices and ensure long-term success.

All workshops will take place on Thursdays from 10 to 11 a.m. via Zoom. Recordings will be available as well.



Oct. 19An Introduction to GEM – The Recruitment Toolbox
Join us for an informative workshop on GEM and the latest updates to our Recruitment Toolbox. Dr. Raymond Herrera will also share his observations and key takeaways from the annual NAGAP Conference. Join us via Zoom. Recording available soon!
Nov. 2Recruiting Campaigns and Mailings – Ideas and Support for Your Program
We will explore the art of creating successful recruiting campaigns and mailings for your program. Learn practical strategies and get inspired with fresh ideas to help you attract the right candidates. Our expert speakers will provide valuable insights and support to help you take your recruiting efforts to the next level.
Hosting Program Open Houses and Interviews – In-person and Virtual
This GEM workshop will guide you on how to successfully host Program Open Houses (in-person and virtually). Participants will learn strategies for creating a welcoming and informative environment for prospective candidates as well as tips for conducting engaging and informative interviews to help identify top talent. Whether you are looking to attract new candidates to your program or want to improve your recruiting process, this workshop is an invaluable resource. Join us via Zoom.
Nov. 16Communicating with Your Prospects Post-Application Submission
In this workshop, you will learn effective communication strategies to engage with your prospects after they have submitted their applications. You will gain insights into how to keep your prospects informed and interested in your program and handle any questions or concerns they may have. Through interactive exercises and real-life examples, you will leave this workshop with the skills and confidence to build strong relationships with your prospects and increase the chances of converting them into successful candidates.
Dec. 7Nominating Your Admitted Students for the Graduate Diversity Assistantship Pathways Program (GDAPP)
In this workshop, you will learn how to nominate admitted students for the GDAPP, which aims to increase the diversity of the graduate student body and support the academic and professional success of underrepresented students. Through this workshop, you will gain a better understanding of the nomination process, eligibility criteria, and application requirements. You will also learn about the program’s benefits, such as financial support, professional development opportunities, and mentorship. By the end of the workshop, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to nominate outstanding students for GDAPP and help build a more diverse and inclusive academic community.
Jan. 18Using Data from the Graduate School to Enhance Your Yield
Are you struggling with low yield rates from your graduate programs? Join this GEM workshop to learn how to analyze and leverage data to improve your admissions process. Learn about the latest best practices and case studies, helping you identify improvement areas and make data-driven decisions. Don’t miss this opportunity to optimize your yield rates and attract the best candidates to your graduate programs!
Feb. 15 Financial Aid and Graduate Students
This workshop provides faculty and staff with the latest information on financial aid options for graduate students and covers different types of financial aid, federal financial aid applications, how to interpret financial aid award letters, counsel students on loan repayment options, and navigate the financial aid system. The workshop equips faculty and staff with the knowledge and tools they need to guide graduate students through the financial aid process and help them make informed decisions about financing their education.
Mar. 14GRADCAS Super Users – Efforts and Experiences from our Colleagues
Join us as our colleagues share their efforts and experiences in using and maximizing the benefits of GRADCAS. This workshop will enable participants to learn from their peers and gain insights into tips and tricks, best practices, and how to overcome the challenges faced while using GRADCAS. Attendees will have the opportunity to network and exchange ideas.
April 11April 15th! Now what?
This workshop is designed to help graduate programs navigate the period after the April 15th Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) deadline has passed. Also, the workshop will cover various strategies that programs can use to assess their recruiting efforts and yield for the year and begin planning for next year.
May 9GEM Planning for 2024-25
Join our workshop on planning a GEM recruiting plan for 2024-25! In this workshop, you will learn how to create a comprehensive recruiting strategy that aligns with your organization’s goals and objectives. We will cover topics, such as identifying target audiences, selecting effective communication channels, developing a timeline, and measuring success. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to create a successful recruiting calendar that will help you attract top talent and achieve your program’s recruiting goals.