Writing Workshop Series: Writer’s Block and Writing Strategies

Writing Workshop Series: Writer’s Block and Writing Strategies

Graduate and Professional Writing Center and WSU Libraries 

For this highly hands-on workshop, expect to learn strategies to employ while pre-writing, writing, and revising documents, such as journal articles, your thesis, or even a short email. This workshop is intended for students who know what they need to write and have done the necessary research but may be struggling with getting words on paper or making sure the words on the paper are the ones they really want. Particular focus will be given to practicing the strategies, so attendees are highly encouraged to bring a project they are working on.

So you’ve got a deadline, you know you need to write something, ANYTHING, but the words just aren’t flowing! You’ve followed writing strategies, and they just aren’t working! For this highly hands-on workshop, attendees should expect to learn and practice multiple ways of getting past those invisible barriers to writing. Through guided exercises, attendees should expect to leave the workshop feeling more confident in overcoming writer’s block. As such, attendees are highly encouraged to bring a project where they are struggling.