Rochelle Thompson is an Access Advisor at the Access Center at WSU, Kimberly Anderson, J.D. is the Executive Director for Compliance, Title IX Coordinator, and ADA coordinator and Holly Ashkannejhad, J.D. is the Assistant Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity.
An introduction to various federal civil rights regulations that impact faculty, staff, and students at universities. This will include information about accessibility, discrimination, Title IX, and affirmative action, and specifically, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments of 2008, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The training will be comprised of two parts: Part 1 will focus on accessibility regulation and will include a practical discussion on how regulations and compliance impact instructors and students; Part 2 will focus on anti-discrimination regulations and will also include a practical discussion on the impact of Title IX, discrimination complaint procedures, and diversity recruitment efforts.
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