Dr. Isaiah Hankel (The Cheeky Scientist)
This –VIRTUAL– event is free for graduate and undergraduate students, as well as for faculty
The post-COVID19 job market is drastically different and many PhDs are unprepared. The job search methodology that worked prior to the pandemic is no longer effective because worldwide unemployment rates are at all-time highs, the global economy has crashed into a recession and employers must now base hiring decisions solely on virtual interactions. The good news is that while many sectors of industry are contracting, others are surging, including key PhD-level positions in research, analysis, project management, data science, medical affairs, regulatory affairs, technical writing & editing, and more. This webinar will outline the new job search methodology PhDs should follow and which sectors to focus on now.
**This event will be offered via Zoom only
Please register for this virtual event by clicking the link below. The PDI will email you a web link before the event.