Master of Science in Statistics

Total Graduate Faculty in Program:
Total Core Graduate Faculty in Program:
Graduate Students in Program:
Students Receiving Assistantships:
Priority Deadlines:

  • Fall January 10
  • Spring September 10


  • Pullman

International Student English Proficiency Exams

International students may need to surpass the Graduate School’s minimum English language proficiency exam scores for this program. If the graduate program has unique score requirements, they will be detailed below. Otherwise, please refer to the Graduate School’s minimum score guidelines.

  • 540 TOEFL Minimum score for admission
  • 75 TOEFLI Minimum score for admission
  • 6.5 IELTS Minimum score for admission
  • 105 Duolingo Minimum score for admission

Degree Description:

The degree program has two option areas: applied and theoretical.

Courses are chosen from four field areas: *Advanced Theory and Stochastic Processes, *Linear Models and Multivariate Analysis, *Data Analysis, *and Econometrics and Time Series. For both options, the core requirements include Stat 443, 512, 530, 533, 556, at least one course in statistical computing, and a minimum of two credit hours of statistical consulting (Stat 590) spread over two semesters. The remainder of the 30 hours must include a total of at least 3 courses from 2 field areas, chosen from the following: *Advanced Theory and Stochastic Processes: Stat 542, 544, 548, or 549. *Linear Models and Multivariate Analysis: Stat 519, 520, 535. *Data Analysis: Stat 422, 428, 513, 514, 515, 518, 536, 547, 555, 572, or 573. *Econometrics and Time Series: Stat 516, 531, 552, 555, or 586.

The final Master’s oral exam is a two-hour oral exam conducted by the student’s M.S. committee. The oral exam will consist of (i) a 30-minute presentation of the student’s Master’s project, (ii) a 15-minute period following the Master’s project presentation for questions by the committee related to the results contained in the Master’s project, and, (iii) a 75-minute period devoted to a comprehensive oral exam covering the material in Stat 443, Stat 512, Stat 530, Stat 533, Stat 556 as well as material covered in additional course work. The student is expected to be thoroughly familiar with a wide array of statistical concepts as contained in the list of topics and concepts obtained from the department.

Admission Requirements:

Prerequisites for admission include courses in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Computer Programming, and Statistical Methods. Analysis and Advanced Linear Algebra is recommended, as well as additional statistics classes. 

For international students, either a TOEFL, IETLS or Duolingo score is required; The minimum score for admission is listed above. Exceptions can be found here:

The application will require:

  • Unofficial transcripts from all previous institutions.
  • GPA above a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Resume/cv.
  • Email contact information for 3 references.
  • Personal statement. The personal statement is your chance to highlight relevant experiences and discuss your future research interests.
  • GRE scores are not required but encouraged.

Graduate assistantships with the Department of Math and Stats are unavailable for Master’s students, and accepted students will normally be required to pay tuition to WSU.

Career Opportunities:

Opportunities for individuals trained in statistics abound in business, industry, government and academia.

Career Placements:

Pharmacy, banking, credit card companies, consulting, government agencies, information management

Contact Information: